Monday, March 14, 2011

List of Ubuntu Unity Keyboard shortcuts

This is the list of Unity Keyboard shortcuts and if you have more you can add in to the askubuntu thread

List of Ubuntu Unity Keyboard shortcuts

Super - Invoke the Launcher.Super-1 or 2 or 3 and so on until 0 - Open or focus an application.Super-T - Open the rubbish bin.Alt-F1 - Put keyboard focus on the Launcher.Alt-F2 - Invoke the Dash in a “special mode” to run a command.Ctrl-Alt-T - Launch a terminal window.Super (tap) - A tap opens the DashSuper-A - Open Applications placeSuper-F - Open Files & Folders placeF10 - Open the first menu on the panelSuper-? - Spread mode, zoom out on all windows in all workspaces.Super-? - Spread mode, zoom out on all windows in current workspace.Super-D - Minimize all windows; hitting it again restores them.

If you cycle through the same key Unity will cycle through different placement widths, so experiment by hitting the numkey multiple times, for example Ctrl-Alt-numpad 5 5 5:

Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 7 - Place window in top left corner of screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 8 - Place window in top half of screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 9 - Place window in top right corner of screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 4 - Place window on the left side of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 5 - Center/Maximize the window in the middle of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 6 - Place window on the right side of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 1 - Place window in the bottom left corner of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 2 - Place window in the bottom half of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 3 - Place window in the bottom right corner of the screen.Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 0 - Maximize window.Super-W or Super-E - Expo mode, zooms out on all the workspaces and let’s you manage windows.Ctrl-Alt-? / ? / ? / ? - Change to a new workspace.Ctrl-Alt-Shift-? / ? / ? / ? - Place window to a new workspace.Maximizing - Dragging a window to the top panel will maximize it.Middle click on Maximize - Maximize Window Vertically.Left click on Maximize - Maximize Window HorizontallyTiling - Dragging a Window to the left/right border will auto tile it to that side of the screen.Restoring - Dragging the top panel down on a maximized window will restore it to its original size.Middle click on an application’s launcher icon - Open a new instance of the application in a new window. If the application isn’t running it will just open it normally.Middle click on the top panel (but not the menu) - send the current window behind all other windows.Middle click on Maximize - Maximize Window Vertically.Right click on Maximize - Maximize Window Horizontally.

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